Executive Leadership

Lived Experience is a term often used in the third sector and has become widely popular in recent times. You may read it in funding applications, business forums, learning platforms, awards, networking events, etc. It’s almost like a buzzword you can’t seem to shake off, but what does it actually mean? Lived Experience is what separates those who have a personal connection to their project from those who have a good idea and the financial means to make it happen. No matter which category you fall into, my 1:1 coaching for early-stage organisation leaders and Social Entrepreneurs could help you become the type of leader you imagined.

  • Leading from a lived-experience perspective 
  • Strategic thinking and decision-making
  • Inclusive leadership
  • Goal setting and execution
  • Breaking down the naivety “new enterprise” thinking
  • Finding your place in any room you walk into
  • Leveraging your wins

Executive Leadership sessions are usually delivered on a 1:1 basis and can be either virtual, online or a combination of both. The length of the programme will vary depending on your experience level, needs and desired outcome. Our time together could last anything from 12 weeks to 12 months but you can book as little or as many sessions as you need (usually a minimum of 4 sessions over 3 months) . The programme is tailored according to your needs and the timeframe discussed before the first session.